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An integral theory for organisations in the vanguard of evolution. Hardback edition (2020)

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An integral theory for organisations in the vanguard of evolution. Paperback edition (2021).

Special offer: Enter the code PROMO25 at the checkout for a 25% discount on the paperback.


Un Enfoque Integral de la Dirección de Empresas (2004)

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Book in Focus: 3D Management, an Integral Theory for Organisations in the Vanguard of Evolution

An introduction to the book

in the context of a post-COVID-19 world. 

3D Management: An Integral Business Theory

3D Management is a meta-theory of management that integrates organizational knowledge in an integral, balanced and non-marginalizing framework.

Hierarchy of Anarchy: Holarchical Structures and 3D Management

In this article, I resort to integral theory and 3D Management, to explain how hierarchy is a natural and desirable condition fully compatible with self-management.

Other Academic Articles

Acces my Research Gate page to see and request my most relevant academic articles on topics such as Organizational Theory, Integral Theory, Transformational Tourism, or Quality Management

Conveyor Belts for Societal Transformation

The changes our world needs will not happen until a majority of the people working towards them are coming out of a higher level of consciousness to the one that has led to the state we are in now.


- "Los jefes son un atraso" (03/09/2021)

- "Una empresa más humana e integral" (22/08/2016)

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