Professor, researcher, consultant, and artist, Dr Marco Antonio Robledo (PhD, MBA, BA) is a man of many facets. Full Professor of the Department of Business and Economics, Director of the Masters in Business Administration (MBA), and Vice-director of the Laboratory of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation at the University of the Balearics (UIB).
He has taken other positions at the UIB, such as Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, director and vice-director of the School of Tourism, director of the Masters in Tourism Administration (MTA) and the Masters In Tourism Planning (MDPT).
He is a prolific author, speaker, and consultant. His research focuses on Strategic Management, Quality Management and Organizational Theory with a special interest in New Organizational Paradigms that are more conscious, humane, and socially responsible. He is an expert in alternative theories such as teal organizations, holacracy, sociocracy 3.0, conscious capitalism, and B corps, and the author of a pioneer integral theory called 3D-Management, the first integrally-built management metatheory.
Another important area of study for him is Transformational Tourism, which is a form of travel where the individual intentionally intends to stretch, learn, and grow into new ways of being and engaging with the world.
He is a leading authority in Integral Theory, an influential school of thought founded by Ken Wilber. This unifying framework helped him integrate his scientific interests, passion for arts, ethical commitment, and spiritual concerns.
As an artist, he is an award-winning filmmaker and comic book author.