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Writer's picture: marcorobledomarcorobledo

Updated: Apr 23, 2021

I have always liked and, at the same time, been surprised by the image of the Laughing Buddha. I have encountered it in many Buddhist temples during my travels in Asia. I like it because it is nice and funny and it is shocking to compare it with the Western religious iconography, so serious and devoid of such openly funny attitudes. This fact, which may seem trivial, proves the superiority, in that respect, of Eastern philosophy.

The Western spiritual tradition (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), charged with disproportionate solemnity and seriousness, has always looked suspiciously at laughter and amusement. The same applies to Western philosophy with its decidedly nihilistic and pessimistic movements. Very different from Eastern philosophy and spirituality, which is much more optimistic and positive.

In my view, laughter is a fundamental trait of a spiritual master or any other person who has attained sainthood or enlightenment. Jesus and Mohammed, I am sure, must have been constantly laughing even though they are always presented to us in such a severe light. To laugh is to be in the here and now. You cannot laugh without being present.

Our Judeo-Christian culture, so imbued with guilt and suffering, is deeply mistaken. The world is beauty, life is joy and we must savor every second by adopting an epicurean attitude towards existence.

Laughter is the best remedy against the ego. To survive we must be aware of the great Joke.

Nietzsche, so often lucid, exhorted us to learn to laugh. Laughing is the secret. There is no more:

"This crown of the laugher, this crown of roses - I throw it to you, brothers! I have sanctified laughter: superior men, learn to laugh!"

(F. Nietzsche: "Thus Spake Zarathustra")

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Olga Zuyderhoff
Olga Zuyderhoff
24 avr. 2021

beautiful new website Marco!

24 avr. 2021
En réponse à

Thank you very much, Olga. I'm very happy with it. Hope you are well!

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